Photo Description:
Class of 1960 (1986) Back row L to R: Harold More, Larry Fast, Jackie Lillibridge Stewart, Jerry McNeely; 4th row L to R: Mary Johnson, Eva Lillibridge, Dick Robins, Bobby Rost, Everet Pittman; Middle row L to R: Arlene Bullock Maddera, Pauline Thompson Latham, Joe Taylor, Susan Smith Osborne, Annette Bunce Mestas, Mick Dowd, Bonnie Keating Thomas, Dale Wright, Jess Abernathy, Lyle Fraizer, Judi Janes Daerport, Janet Goodspeed, Charles Catron, Larry Riley; 2nd row L to R: Carol Ward Evans Todd, Sue Ostoff Keating, Iva Shields, Glenna Bates White Thomas, Diane Mohler Smith; Front row L - R: teacher Darrel Crawford, teacher Val Maughn, Niel Robbins, Darlene Walker, Dayla Thill, Suzanne Wright Mayberry, Monte Bowthorpe.
Date of Photo: