Bountiful High School

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Ernest W. Freckleton - 2/10/2012

Class of 1976

Our beloved husband, father, son, brother, uncle and friend “Ernie” passed away peacefully at home on February 10, 2012, surrounded by his wife and sons. Ernie was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on February 28, 1958. Graduated from Bountiful High School where he was active in football, wrestling and soccer. Married Carrie Hall; later divorced. Married his high school sweetheart, Dawn Hill in 2003.

Ernie was tirelessly motivated and always seemed to be able to find a way to make the impossible, possible. A zest for life and all that it held was an attribute shared with all who knew him. His love for the outdoors was exceeded only by his love and commitment to his sons and sweetheart. “His Boys” as he called them, were his greatest blessing. After serving an LDS mission to Sydney Australia from 1977 - 1979, employment with REI took him to the great outdoors of Alaska, where he was truly in his element. He became a successful small businessman and entrepreneur - able to start businesses from scratch and make them a success.

Ernie is survived by his wife, Dawn; “His Boys”: Dan, Matt, Kyle and Eric; mother, Janice; brothers, Scott (Emajane), Doug (Mary), Brad (Terry), Alan, Tyler (Cozette); and sister, Pam Bertoch (Scott); in-laws, Blaine Hill (Charlene), Bart Hill (Gwen), Jan Petty (Steve). Preceded in death by his dad, Wilford; mother-in-law, Charmane Hayward (Theodore).
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